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Version: AMF 4.x.x


Resolution is the process of applying multiple transformations to the AMF Graph model. The resolution pipeline comprises the following stages:

resolution pipeline

Resolution allows you to flatten and simplify the AMF graph model by:

  • Resolving links and inheritances
  • Applying RAML traits and resourceTypes
  • Normalization of shapes and parameters

You'll also find resolution is important when converting from one API specification to another. For example, when converting a RAML API to OAS, the resolution stage makes changes to the WebApi model to have a valid, OAS-compliant API.


Depending on your needs, you can use one of the following resolution pipelines:

  • Default
    • Keeps only the parsed graph model and deletes all information no longer relevant, such as document.declares
  • Editing
    • Keeps all information in already parsed nodes, such as the source and the declarations
    • Use when someone is editing the API, such as an interactive API designer that uses AMF in the background
  • Compatibility
    • Must be used when converting an API to a different specification
    • Includes additional AMF-specific information to aid in specification conversion


Code extracted from the examples GitHub repository.

In the next section you'll learn how validations can be applied to the resolved model to check its validity and report errors.